Book Review - Practicing the Way, by John Mark Comer
20 January 2025

Put simply, this book contains very little by way of new, or earth shattering content that will wow you and titillate your intellect. Yet this book is deeply profound in its simplicity and confronting in its central premise that to be a disciple of Jesus requires us to practice the way of Jesus.
Drawing together scripture, theology, psychology and history, Comer outlines that central to being a disciple are three core things
- being with Jesus
- becoming like Jesus
- doing as Jesus did.
As simple as these things are to identify, Comer then goes on to explore the genuine challenge that it is to practice them in a world constantly seeking to make us disciples of anything and everything else.
In an effort to counteract this constant struggle, it is proposed that discipleship be restored to something engaged in communally, where a group of people commit to undertaking life together guided by the ancient practice of a "rule of life". Adopting shared practices, undertaken by Jesus, such as sabbath, generosity and fasting, each of the three components of being a disciple are nurtured into ever deepening reality.
From this platform the author then explores a recapturing of a deeper and wider understanding of "the gospel" and in turn what it means to be an evangelist of this good news in this day and time.
At the heart of it all, Comer argues that the acid test of being formed into a disciple of Jesus is love.
"The single most important question is, Are we becoming more loving? Not, Are we becoming more biblically educated? Or practicing more spiritual disciplines? Or more involved in church? These are all good things, but not the most important thing.
If you want to chart your progress on the spiritual journey, test the quality of your closest relationships - namely, by love and the fruit of the Spirit. Would the people who know you best say you are becoming more loving, joyful, and at peace? More patient and less frustrated? Kinder, gentler, softening with time, and pervaded by goodness? Faithful, especially in hard times, and self controlled?
Are you growing in love, not just for your friends and family but for your enemies?....
If not, then no matter how well you know the Bible, how many books you read, how many insights you amass, or how many practices you build into your Rule of Life, you're not on track.
Because the telos of the spiritual journey is to become like God, and "God is love"." pp76-77
This book offers valuable insights for anyone wrestling with faith's role in today's world, seeking to understand how God's presence can be "good news," or exploring faith's transformative potential. Personally, I found this book incredibly challenging but also liberating as it drew me back to what really matters when it comes to being someone who knows and lives the way of Jesus, in community, for the restoration of all things.
By Paul Wetzig
Discipleship & Mission
Children, Youth, Young Adults and Families
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