

Deeply enshrined in the Uniting Church’s Basis of Union is a call to discipleship, “to hear anew the commission of the Risen Lord to make disciples of all nations, and daily seek to obey his will.”  Discipleship is at the core of who we are, and we are living out a shared commitment to fostering a renewed discipleship culture.

At its simplest a disciple is a person who seeks to know and live the way of Jesus and, in community, help others do the same for the restoration of all things to God. Our shared discipleship is the communal work of supporting each other to move ever deeper into knowing and living Jesus’ way, partnering with God in the restoration of all things. 

The Synod Mission Accompanying Team is ready to support you and your congregation in exploring discipleship and mission. Contact the team at discipleship@ucaqld.com.au.

For more resources on this website, see the latest Discipleship and Mission news and stories.

Discipleship and Mission

Engaging Young People

Building on a commitment to discipleship is a vision to see young people growing as disciples in every Queensland community. The Uniting Church in Queensland believes that:

  • Young people are people of God
  • Young people are invited to be lifelong disciples, who know and follow Jesus, and help others do the same
  • Young people belong to the Body of Christ and are called to serve with their own gifts, both as participants and leaders now and in the future
  • Young people grow in Christian Faith as they experience and express their belonging, believing, growing, and sharing in family, church, and community
  • God’s spirit gives various gifts to the church for ministry with Young People and the wider world, and we are called to use them
  • Intergenerational mission and ministry are the privilege and responsibility of every member of a Christian Faith community regardless of age, position, or status.

We are working to reawaken our commitment to engaging young people in the journey of discipleship – whether in congregations and faith communities, schools, residential colleges or other settings.

Discipleship and Mission

Discipleship and Mission

Simple Steps to Join the Adventure

We welcome you to join the adventure of a renewed discipleship culture. 

  1. Join the Queensland Synod Discipleship Facebook group for discipleship conversation, ideas and resources, including prayer events, book club gatherings and more
  2. Join the Queensland Synod’s Engaging Young People Facebook group to share ideas, approaches and experiences in engaging young people
  3. Browse the latest Discipleship and Mission stories
  4. Browse Mission and Discipleship Resources in the Hub
  5. Contact the team at discipleship@ucaqld.com.au to share your ideas and experiences
Find a Church

Join a community committed to worship, witness and service.

Worship | Youth Ministry (12-18yo) | Kids Ministry (5-11yo) | Weekday Playgroup

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