Book Synopsis: Redcliffe Uniting Church 1880 - 1990

18 June 2024

Book Synopsis: Redcliffe Uniting Church 1880 - 1990 Image

A Synopsis of this Book by Dr Margaret I Henry

June 22, 1977 marks a significant date in the life of the Christian Church in Australia: three separate and distinct denominations (Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian) came together to form a new church body … to be known as the Uniting Church in Australia. The dream was that one day, the Uniting Church in Australia might also include members of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

In Redcliffe this meant that nine small congregations, representing the three denominations, named above, came together to form the Redcliffe Uniting Church. But the process of “unification” in Redcliffe took many years to be accomplished. It was not until May 1990 that the Redcliffe Uniting Church came together as one.

Initially, this book was intended to explore the process that Redcliffe congregations went through as they moved from being nine separate congregations to becoming one (ie from 1977 to 1990). But, in the process of researching the background information for this study, it was discovered that Redcliffe Uniting Church could trace its origins to 1880 when the Congregational Church purchased a block of land at the northern end of the Redcliffe Cemetery (for the purpose of building a church on that property).

That church was opened on 28th July 1880 and the Congregational Church at Redcliffe formally constituted on 19th August of the same year. The significance of this event was that this was the first Christian Church to be established on the Redcliffe Peninsula.

On 27th July 1980, the Redcliffe Uniting Church celebrated the Centenary of the Official Opening of the Redcliffe Congregational Church.

It is fitting that, in this year (2024) … which marks the Bi-centenary of Redcliffe … Redcliffe Uniting Church is releasing this historical document, showing that, from the very beginning, the Christian Church has played an important role in Redcliffe`s Story.

As recently at 2022, Redcliffe Uniting Church has entered into a new phase of its life and history: the opening of the Redcliffe Uniting Church Community Hub … providing a context in which to support all members of the Redcliffe Community … not least of whom are those who are most in need …

This book is presented in four parts:
• Part I: Historical Context ( … to 1977)
• Part II: Redcliffe Uniting Church (1977 – 1990)
• Part III: How We Built Our Church; 1990 and Beyond
• Part IV: Additional information (ie Interviews; Summary of Church documents; etc)

It is the writer's wish that this research document will provide some guidance as Redcliffe Uniting Church opens its heart and is responsive to the needs of the people of Redcliffe.

A copy of the book is available at The John Oxley Library (in the Queensland State Library), the National Library of Australia, and locally at the Redcliffe Uniting Church.

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