Dear Church Family,
Sitting heavy on my heart is the devastating impact that is unfolding across some of the communities in the northern parts of Queensland who are currently experiencing severe flooding due to record-breaking rainfall, leading to significant impacts across regional and remote areas . Hundreds of residents have already been urged to evacuate, with emergency services conducting multiple rescues. Tragically, a woman lost her life during a rescue attempt as emergency services navigated extreme conditions. Towns like Ingham are facing ongoing power outages, disruption in essential services due to submerged infrastructure, with roads being cut and noting that all this is further complicating rescue and relief efforts.
I want to acknowledge that our community and aged care services that are stewarded by UnitingCare are working around the clock trying to ensure that the vulnerable people that we support are kept safe and continue to receive a high standard of care. I also want to recognise that some of our staff and volunteers have also experienced significant personal loss whilst continuing to serve and provide critical care and support. I learnt today that some of our staff members made the selfless and conscious decision to relocate and make our residential aged care service their home in Ingham to best position them in providing continuity of care as the township became totally isolated from the rest of the region (now for four days).
The Apostle Paul, as he wrote to the early Church in Corinth, gives us an important reminder that we as members of Christ’s body have a responsibility that requires each of us to have the same care for one another. He goes on to say...” If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together” (1Cor12:25-27).
Further, I want to recognise the members of our local church and faith communities who have also experienced significant loss alongside of their untiring commitment in rallying together as part of emergency and community recovery responses. The work of our presbyteries and synod continues to be critical in enabling and harnessing additional community support.
As Moderator I have enacted the Moderator’s Disaster Appeal and call on you the church to be generous in your support in providing relief funds to those most in need. Donate to the Moderator's Disaster Appeal here.
I also call our church to prayer as we uphold the flood-impacted communities in Northern and Central Queensland. May you be guided by this prayer:
Loving and merciful God,
We come before You with heavy hearts, lifting up the communities of North and Central Queensland affected by devastating floods. In the midst of rising waters and uncertainty, may you be their refuge and strength.
Lord, bring comfort to those who have tragically lost loved ones, homes, livelihoods, and cherished possessions. Surround them with your peace and assurance that they are not alone. Strengthen the weary, give hope to the discouraged, and provide shelter to the displaced.
We pray for the emergency services, volunteers, and community members working tirelessly to bring aid and relief. Grant them wisdom, endurance, and compassion as they serve those in need. Bless the hands that bring hope through rescue and support, the voices that encourage, and the hearts that give generously.
In the face of destruction and loss, may the spirit of resilience and unity shine brightly. Let kindness and generosity overflow as neighbours support one another and we as the church and wider community offer support, love and care in tangible ways to those most impacted.
May Your presence be felt in every act of love, and may Your grace bring renewal and restoration to the land and its people.
We ask this in the name of Jesus,
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