Opening of Frew's Place at Mount Louisa Community Church

4 October 2024

Opening of Frew's Place at Mount Louisa Community Church Image


"May our Lord stir us into courageous ministry
through the power of his Spirit
in his church and in our lives"


Article by Rev Bruce Cornish

On 18th August 2024, family members of the late Rev Jack Frewen-Lord joined former members of Praise Chapel and House of Praise and members of the current congregations who meet here to officially open Frew’s Place.

You can read about the growth of this Townsville church in Rev Jack Frewen-Lord's own words here

What is now Frew’s Place was the former youth centre which has been extensively refurbished to be a worship and meeting space. This was done by current church members and members of the Emmanuel Pentecostal Church who are renting that space on a Sunday.

In our research for the service, we came across the order of worship used for the opening service of Praise Chapel on 3rd August 1986. We decided to use most of the songs/hymns that were used on that day in 1986. This research also provided a confirmation from God of our ministry direction at Mt Louisa Community Church.  Before we discovered that order of service and the Bible passage given to Frew and the team as they embarked on the ministry of Praise Chapel, our minister, Rev Michelle Cullen, had already been guided to choose that same passage, Isaiah 54:2-3 as her text for the day. It was a wonderful God-given moment when we realized that.

The celebration began in the main auditorium with worship, prayer and sharing of stories of the history of Praise Chapel by Leonie Frewen-Lord (Jack's widow), members of her family and Rev Anne Harley. This was followed by the whole congregation proceeding across to Frew’s Place where Leonie Frewen-Lord drew back the curtain to reveal the name Frew’s Place on the building and officially open the refurbished building.

The congregation then proceeded inside Frew’s Place to conclude the service with some songs and a reflection by Rev Michelle Cullen. Those who had not seen the refurbishments were then given a short tour. This was followed by a special morning tea back in the main building where many stories were shared, people were reacquainted, memorabilia looked at and memories rekindled.

It was a very special day for all involved and we were especially blessed that the Frewen-Lord family went to the effort to bring Leonie to Townsville for the event.



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