
Take a Stand

Take a Stand

Social Justice Advocacy and Action

In our 1977 Statement to the Nation, we pledged ourselves “to seek the correction of injustices wherever they occur”.  We urged “the protection of the environment” and we affirm the “importance of every human being” and their basic human rights now and into the future. Read the statement or watch the video below.

Micah 6:8 “He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.”

We share in God’s mission which is the reconciliation of the world. Since our foundation in 1977, we have taken a stand on social and environmental issues, engaging with governments on matters of public policy. 

We are aware that we are in a time of profound social change and that individuals in our congregations and communities may see things differently to each other. We seek to speak the truth in love and to hold to compassion and respect in all things. We believe that the “Uniting Church, as an institution within the nation, must constantly stress the universal values that must find expression in national policies if humanity is to survive.”

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Take a Stand


“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).
All of creation is loved by God. To be in relationship with God is to be in a reciprocal relationship with lands, seas, and each other.

We face an urgent ecological challenge, with clear scientific evidence of climate change and its environmental, social and economic implications. We seek to both advocate for and contribute to a greener, fairer, healthier future for all.

The Flourishing Creation Action and Advocacy Plan was endorsed at the 36th Synod in Session (2022). It encourages and equips congregations, individuals, schools, agencies and communities to make positive change. Download the Plan Summary.

Do you have a heart for the environment? Are you called to care for creation? Contact us at to become part of our sustainability action network. Connect with campaigns, stories and more at Journey.

Take a Stand

Youth Justice

In a time of increasing calls to stop the impacts and address the causes of young people offending, the Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod advocates for effective, compassionate, and evidence-based solutions.

Most repeat young offenders face a multitude of barriers to participating effectively in society, and are growing up in entrenched, intergenerational disadvantage. We need to address the complex and long-term causes and resource real long-term solutions. Read the Queensland Synod Position Statement here.

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Take a Stand

First Peoples Justice

The Uniting Church covenant relationship with First Peoples is at the heart of our church, and we will listen and walk together. We stand as a family in Christ across our state and call for truth telling and justice for the First Nations peoples of these lands. Through our Covenant, First Peoples’ sovereignty is affirmed, and they are empowered to live out their right to self-determination. We will rightfully listen for the voice of First Nations peoples in the decision-making of the Church. Read the Queensland Synod Position Statement here.

Learn more about the Uniting Church Covenant.

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1977 Statement to the Nation

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